This special book has travelled around the globe giving children their own version of the Covid19 pandemic- helping them to feel reassured and empowered.
'The Corona Family' are lovable characters who only came to Earth for their holiday and certainly didn’t mean to hurt their human friends. They kept trying to get home but were sneezed all around! With the help of the children’s rainbow drawings and cheers on Thursday nights, we all helped to send them back to their own planet.
The rhyming language adds fun, making the book easy to read and remember while the colourful illustrations bring the characters to life.
Perfect for adults to share with young children, or for older children to independently enjoy.
"The Corona Family offers hope to see a brighter future. Truly inspirational for any teacher or therapist who works with children, and a must for parents".
-Gabi Badaluta, Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Writer.
This little book conceptualises the COVID19 virus in a way that young people can relate to and understand. The simple language is easy to read and injects a little humour into what is a difficult time for everyone, particularly young children, to understand. A must for parents to share with their young children".
- Martin Scott, Education Director, Yew Chung Education Foundation, Hong Kong.
"My pupils listened to the story today and were totally mesmerised by it. One pupil wanted to know if the Covid family had to self-isolate after their holiday!"
-Maggie Drummond, KS2 SEND Teacher, St. Nicholas School, Purely, UK.
"Thanks for the book, I really enjoyed it! I liked how you made it about coronavirus, it was really funny. I also thought it was cool because you made it rhyme".
- Josh Labuschangne, Age 10, Tauranga, New Zealand.
This is a wonderful book to try and explain to young children how the virus spreads in a non worrying way; and it has helped me to explain the importance of covering our coughs and sneezes and washing hands to my son whom is only three. I would highly recommend this story to other parents or teachers whom are trying to navigate these challenging concepts with the very young
- Jasmin Clamp